2022 Election Results Tracker

Note: LRCA refers to a Legislatively Referred Constitutional Amendment, which is a referendum in which a state legislature puts proposed legislation up for popular vote.

StateCampaignTitleMeasure TypeIssue AreaBISC StanceResults
AKA “yes” vote supports holding a state constitutional convention. A “no” vote opposes holding a state constitutional convention. A constitutional convention consists of elected delegates that propose changes to the state’s constitution. Any proposed changes, including a rewritten constitution, must be approved by votersMeasure 1LRCADemocracyOpposeFAILED: 70N/30Y
ALAdditional Offense for Which One Can be Denied BailAmendment 1LRCACriminal Legal ReformOpposePASSED: 80Y/20N
ALRatify the updated Alabama constitution, which removes racist language and abolishes slavery with no exceptionsAmendment 10LRCACriminal Legal ReformSupportPASSED: 75Y/25N
ARMarijuana Legalization (no expungement – revenue goes toward law enforcement)Issue 4Constitutional AmendmentCriminal Legal ReformNeutralFAILED: 44Y/57N
AR60% Supermajority Vote Requirement for Constitutional Amendments and Ballot InitiativesIssue 2LRCAInitiative ProcessOpposeFAILED: 41Y/59N
ARReligious Freedom AmendmentAmendment 3LRCACivil RightsOpposeFAILED: 49Y/50N
AZVoter ID, Absentee Ballot Notarization, and Hand-Counting VotesProposition 309LRCADemocracyOpposeFAILED: 49Y/50N
AZVoters Right to Know Act – campaign financeProposition 211Citizen Initiated MeasureDemocracyOpposePASSED: 72Y/28N
AZ60% Supermajority for tax increasesProposition 132LRCAInitiative ProcessOpposePASSED: 50Y/49N
AZLegislative Alteration of Ballot InitiativesProposition 128LRCAInitiative ProcessOpposeFAILED: 36Y/64N
AZSingle Subject for Ballot InitiativesProposition 129LRCAInitiative ProcessOpposePASSED: 55Y/45N
AZIn-state tuition; postsecondary education of non-citizen studentsProposition 308LRCAEconomic JusticeSupportPASSED: 51Y/49N
AZPredatory Debt Collection Protection Act: Limits interest rate on certain medical debtProposition 209Citizen Initiated MeasureEconomic JusticeSupportPASSED: 72Y/28N
AZProperty Tax ExemptionProposition 310LRCAFiscal PolicyNeutralPASSED: 64Y/36N
CAOnline betting – only offered by Indian Tribes or those who contract with them. 10% tax 85% goes to Education. 15% goes to TribesProposition 26Citizen Initiated MeasureFiscal Policy/GamblingNeutralFAILED: 70N/30Y
CALegalize sports betting in California and distribute 85 percent of the revenue to a homelessness prevention and mental health support fundProposition 27
Statutory InitiativeFiscal Policy/GamblingOpposeFAILED: 83N/17Y
CAProvides additional funding for arts and music education in public schools (1% of funding)Proposition 28Citizen Initiated MeasureFiscal Policy/EducationNeutralPASSED: 62Y/38N
CAReproductive Freedom Constitutional AmendmentProposition 1LRCAReproductive HealthSupportPASSED: 65Y/35N
CAClean Cars Act: corporate taxes to fund electric vehicles and wildfire mitigationProposition 30Statutory InitiativeEnvironmental ProtectionsSupportFAILED: 59N/41Y
CARequires On-Site Licensed Medical professionals at Kidney Dialysis ClinicsProposition 29Statutory InitiativeHealth JusticeNeutralFAILED:
COAmount of Tax Owed Table for InitiativesProp GGLRCAInitiative ProcessSupportPASSED: 71Y/29N
COAffordable Housing; Directs the state legislature to allocate one-third of one percent of all revenue received from individual, corporation, estate, and trust federal taxable income to the state education fund and allowing the state to spend the money as a voter-approved revenue changeProp 123Citizen Initiated MeasureEconomic JusticeNeutralPASSED: 52Y/48N
CODecriminalization, Regulated Distribution, and Therapy Program for Certain Hallucinogenic Plants and Fungi Initiative (#58)Prop 122Citizen Initiated MeasureCriminal Legal ReformSupportPASSED: 53Y/47N
COIncome Tax Deduction Caps to Fund School Meals Program MeasureProp FFCitizen Initiated MeasureEconomic JusticeSupportPASSED: 56Y/44N
COIncome Tax ReductionProp 121Citizen Initiated MeasureFiscal PolicyOpposePASSED: 66Y/34N
CORetailer license for off-site consumption to allow grocery stores, convenience stores, and other business establishments to sell liquorProp 125Statutory InitiativeEconomic JusticeOpposePASSED:
CTIn-person early votingQuestion 1LRCADemocracySupportPASSED: 60Y/40N
DCEliminate Tipped Worker CreditInitiative 82Statutory InitiativeEconomic JusticeSupportPASSED: 74Y/26N
FLAbolishing Constitutional Revision CommissionAmendment 2LRCAInitiative ProcessSupportPASSED: 54Y/46N
IARight of People to Keep and Bear ArmsAmendment 1LRCACivil RightsOpposePASSED: 65Y/35N
ILRight to Collective BargainingAmendment 1LRCAEconomic JusticeSupportPASSED:
KYNo Right to Abortion in ConstitutionAmendment 2LRCAReproductive JusticeOpposeFAILED: 47Y/53N
LAProhibit Slavery and Involuntary Servitude: During the legislative process and later, the wording of this ballot measure got twisted to the point that the plan could even be read to permit slavery.Amendment 7LRCACriminal Legal ReformOpposeFAILED: 39Y/61N
LACitizen Only VotingAmendment 1 [Election December 10]LRCADemocracyOpposeDec 2022
MAThe veto referendum would repeal House Bill 4805 (H 4805), which authorized driver’s license applicants to include individuals who cannot provide proof of lawful presence, including an individual ineligible for a social security numberQuestion 4Citizen Initiated MeasureCivil RightsSupportPASSED: 54Y/46N
MAHigh Income Earner TaxQuestion 1LRCAFiscal PolicySupportPASSED: 52Y/48N
MDMarijuana LegalizationQuestion 4LRCACriminal Legal ReformSupportPASSED: 66Y/34N
MIThis initiative would require the governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, attorney general, and legislators to provide financial disclosures after 2023. It would also reduce state legislative term limits to 12-year combined term limits on members of both the state House and state SenateProposal 1Constitutional AmendmentDemocracySupportPASSED: 66Y/34N
MIReproductive Freedom AmendmentProposal 3Citizen Initiated Constitutional AmendmentReproductive JusticeSupportPASSED: 57Y/43N
MIPromote the Vote 2022 Citizen Initiated Constitutional AmendmentDemocracySupportPASSED: 60Y/40N
MOThe general assembly may by law increase minimum funding for a police forceProposal 2LRCACriminal Legal ReformOpposePASSED: 63Y/37N
MOIn Missouri, a state constitutional convention question is provided to voters every 20 years after the prior questionConstitutional Convention QuestionLRCADemocracyOpposeFAILED: 40Y/60N
MOMarijuana LegalizationAmendment 3Constitutional AmendmentCriminal Legal ReformSupportPASSED: 53Y/47N
MTSearch Warrant for Electronic DataC-48LRCACriminal Legal ReformSupportPASSED: 82Y/12N
MTRequiring Medical Care for Fetuses Which Would Criminalize Women and DoctorsLR-131LRCAReproductive JusticeOpposeFAILED: 47Y/53N
NDMarijuana LegalizationStatutory Measure 2Constitutional AmendmentCriminal Legal ReformSupportFAILED: 45Y/55N
NEVoter IDInitiative 432Citizen Initiated MeasureDemocracyOpposePASSED: 66Y/34N
NEMinimum WageInitiative 433Citizen Initiated MeasureEconomic JusticeSupportPASSED: 59Y/41N
NMEarly Childhood Education FundingAmendment 1LRCAEducationSupportPASSED: 70Y/30N
NVRanked Choice VotingQuestion 3Citizen Initiated MeasureDemocracyNeutralPASSED: 53Y/47N
NVMinimum WageQuestion 2LRCAEconomic Justice SupportPASSED: 55Y/35N
NVEquality ActQuestion 1LRCACivil RightsSupportPASSED: 59Y/41N
OHCitizen Only VotingIssue 2LRCADemocracyOpposePASSED: 77Y/23N
OHBail ReformIssue 1LRCACriminal Legal ReformOpposePASSED: 77Y/23N
ORReduction of Gun Violence ActMeasure 114Citizen Initiated MeasureCivil Rights/GunsSupportPASSED: 51Y/49N
ORLegislative AccountabilityMeasure 113Citizen Initiated MeasureDemocracySupportPASSED: 68Y/32N
ORAbolishing SlaveryMeasure 112Citizen Initiated Constitutional AmendmentCriminal Legal ReformSupportPASSED: 56Y/44N
ORObligation of state to ensure every resident of state access to cost-effective, clinically appropriate and affordable health careMeasure 111LRCAHealth JusticeSupportPASSED: 51Y/49N
SDMarijuana LegalizationInitiated Measure 27Statutory InitiativeCriminal Legal ReformSupportFAILED: 47Y/53N
SDMedicaid ExpansionAmendment DStatutory InitiativeHealth JusticeSupportPASSED: 56Y/44N
TNRight to WorkAmendment 1LRCAEconomic JusticeOpposePASSED: 70Y/30N
TNAbolishing SlaveryAmendment 3LRCACriminal Legal ReformSupportPASSED: 80Y/20N
VTReproductive Liberty AmendmentProposal 5LRCAReproductive JusticeSupportPASSED: 77Y/23N
VTProhibit Slavery and Involuntary ServitudeProposal 2LRCACriminal Legal ReformSupportPASSED: 89Y/11N
WVExempting Personal property Used for Business Activity from Property TaxesAmendment 2LRCAFiscal PolicyOpposeFAILED: 35Y/65N
WVAuthorizes the incorporation of religious denominations and churchesAmendment 3LRCACivil RightsOpposeFAILED: 45Y/55N
WVRequires the State Board of Education to Submit Any Proposed Rules to the Legislature to Approve Amend or RejectAmendment 4LRCAEducationOpposeFAILED: 45Y/55N