Franklin Davis (he/him)
Director of Climate and Democratic Organizing

Q: What inspired you to get involved with the campaign?
Ohio is one of the top ten most gerrymandered states. The original iteration of our gerrymandered maps came about in 2010. Those maps were largely created in a hotel suite in Downtown Columbus by five or so members of the majority party. That description is not a sterling example of American democracy. Some people and organizations actively work to make the voices of (some) Ohioans count less than others. That doesn’t work for me, nor should it for anyone in Ohio.
I want to live in a place where each voter’s vote holds the same weight, where one vote actually equals one vote. I want Ohio’s legislature to be a true reflection of the people of our state. Right now, that is not the case. It is an honor that I have the opportunity to fight for justice in Ohio’s democracy.
Q: What has been your greatest learning experience so far from working on the campaign?
In a partisan-charged political environment such as the one that we find ourselves in, it can be really easy to avoid language and sentiments that it seems the “other side” has taken ownership of. This can’t be further from the truth. Being a proud American and Ohioan belies a political party. Indeed, much as Langston Hughes did, I have found it important and effective to remind everyone that, “We all, too, Sing America”… Or Ohio… Or wherever you may be from. Generally speaking, as a people, we are proud of our shared connections, and of our independence. We protect both things with an almost unmatched veracity. To reach our goals, we cannot allow anyone to have a monopoly on these connections.
Q: How do you think your campaign’s success will improve people’s lives in your community?
Representative Democracy is central to everything that we hold dear in Ohio. It may be more American than apple pie.
Ohio is one of the 10 most gerrymandered states in the country. That’s why Ohioans — Independents, Republicans, and Democrats alike — are going to vote YES on Issue 1 to create an open and transparent process, led by citizens, to draw fair and impartial voting districts.
The successful implementation of the redistricting commission that this ballot initiative will create will help to ensure that current and future generations of Ohio wins are represented by voices that reflect their communities. Without the accountability of being able to be voted out of office, there is less incentive to be a reflection of one’s community, as opposed to oneself. I stand with Community members. I stand with Ohioans. The voices I want to see amplified belong to Citizens, not politicians
Q: What advice would you give to other campaign leaders or aspiring campaign leaders at this moment? Is there anything you wish you had known on day one?
Have an outcome-oriented focus, and keep your desired outcome front and center as the goal. Know that this is mountain climbing, not wall climbing. In mountain climbing, there are peaks and valleys. Sometimes, you have to go down to get up to where you want to go. Don’t be afraid of the downs. Attack them with the same veracity as you do the highs. Some days will feel like nothing is ever going to move. Keep working. Some days will feel like everything is shifting a million times a second. Keep working. Trust yourself. Trust the plan. Trust the work. Work the plan. You can do this!
Q: Is there anything we haven’t asked you that you’d like to share?
Vote Yes on Issue 1!
Jodi Lepaopao (she/her)
Campaign Manager, Paid Sick Leave for Nebraskans

Q: What inspired you to get involved with the campaign?
A: Before joining this campaign, I spent ten years working in the customer service industry—retail, food service, etc. During those ten years, I felt the impact of the lack of paid sick leave in many forms.
When I was a bartender, if I was sick, I often had to choose between my well-being or being able to pay my bills. As a manager at a newer restaurant, it was absolutely gut-wrenching to have employees come to work
clearly not feeling well, try to tell them to go home and rest, and be told: “I can’t afford to.”
At my last retail job, due to chronic illness, I was missing work about once a month, and while paid, I was penalized every single time. I was one missed shift away from losing my job and got into a car accident on my way to work one day. I showed up to work 20 minutes later, and only after spending an hour throwing up did my boss allow me to go home.
When I learned about this campaign launching last year, I jumped at the opportunity to support workers in Nebraska. At first, I was just a paid canvasser, but now I’m so proud to work alongside our coalition partners as the Campaign Manager.
Q: What has been your greatest learning experience so far from working on the campaign?
A: Honestly, the past year and a half has been a huge learning experience for me! I knew our state had some sort of petition process, but this is the first ballot initiative campaign I’ve ever worked on, so I feel like I’m learning something new every day!
Q: How do you think your campaign’s success will improve people’s lives in your community?
A: Over 250,000 workers across Nebraska currently lack access to paid sick leave. Come next October, employees will be able to earn and use paid sick leave without fear of retaliation.
We’ve seen the benefits of paid sick leave where these policies already exist. We see healthier families and communities. We see increases in workplace satisfaction and productivity. We see stronger, more resilient economies when workers have that safety net. We see the slower spread of illness when workers aren’t coming to work sick or sending their kids to school because they can’t stay home with them.
When people can prioritize their health and their families’ health, it benefits everyone.
Q: What advice would you give to other campaign leaders or aspiring campaign leaders at this moment? Is there anything you wish you had known on day one?
A: For community members who maybe stay away from politics, I get it. I’ve been there. But if there is an issue you care about, advocate for it! Chances are, there’s already a group of people organizing around it! Even if you feel like you don’t hold a certain expertise or skillset, your lived experience and your voice matter, and you deserve to have a seat at the table.
Every few years during my time in the service industry, out of frustration, I would literally Google, “Does Nebraska have a paid sick leave policy?” Last year was the first time I had heard about organizing around the paid sick leave issue, but have learned this has been YEARS in the making. I had no idea — it was happening all around me!
Q: Is there anything we haven’t asked you that you’d like to share?
Though the work can sometimes feel heavy, I feel so empowered and energized by it. I attended my first BISC Road Ahead Conference this past April, and there was something I had heard a speaker say; it was something to the effect of:
“I shouldn’t have to leave my home to be proud of where I live. To feel safe and secure where I live.”
That has stayed with me every day since.
Susy Bates (she/her)
Campaign Director, Freedom to Marry Colorado

Q: What inspired you to get involved with the campaign?
A: I have been a lifelong advocate for LGBTQ+ equality. I also have nearly 20 years of working in progressive campaigns and causes, including managing statewide initiatives. I could not believe that Colorado still had a ban on marriage for same-sex couples in our constitution, so when I was approached about managing this race, I did not hesitate to say yes. I’ve been humbled and honored to work with leading advocates in the state like One Colorado to refer this measure to the ballot and ensure Colorado voters understand what is at risk if we do not remove the ban on same-sex marriage from the constitution.
Q: What has been your greatest learning experience so far from working on the campaign?
A: I have learned so much from working on this campaign. First and foremost, how beautiful and organized the LGBTQ+ community is in Colorado. Not only were we able to successfully get the referred measure on the ballot this year, but we also worked together to defeat 30 anti-trans initiatives that conservative extremists tried to put on the ballot. I continue to be in awe at the way the advocates and organizations came together to make this a reality, and I’m grateful to have been part of these historic efforts.
Q: Do you think your campaign’s success will improve people’s lives in your community?
A: Absolutely. There is no question. Because marriage for same-sex couples is already legal due to the 2015 U.S. Supreme Court decision Obergefell v. Hodges, our campaign’s success means the lives of LGBTQ+ couples and families won’t change. That is our goal. We do not want to live in a world where love and marriage rights are not recognized for all Coloradans, and we are not willing to take that risk. That is why we are implementing this proactive strategy to remove the ban on marriage for same-sex couples — in case Obergefell is overturned by this conservative U.S. Supreme Court.
Q: What advice would you give to other campaign leaders or aspiring campaign leaders at this moment? Is there anything you wish you had known on day one?
A: It’s important for folks in campaign leadership to not lose sight of what is important and who you are as a leader. You typically are on the receiving end of a lot as a leader of a campaign, but not everything needs to be acted on or internalized. Steady, consistent leadership (and strong boundaries) are critical to making sure you are able to deliver on your goals – winning in November.
Q: Is there anything we haven’t asked you that you’d like to share?
I appreciate the opportunity to spotlight the Freedom to Marry Colorado campaign in the Election Connection email and support of BISC. Ballot initiatives happen every year in Colorado, so it is a big part of our political infrastructure. It is also where conservative extremists can push for their far-right agenda. We are hopeful for a win in 2024 to protect marriage equality, but then need to turn around and be ready for the fight ahead to keep anti-trans initiatives off the ballot. We are ready and will continue to work alongside advocates in Colorado and nationally to make sure anti-trans initiatives do not gain traction in our state.
Ivanna Gonzalez (she/her)
Chief Campaigns Officer: Florida Rising

Q: What is Florida’s Amendment 4, what will it do, and who is the coalition behind it?
A: Amendment 4 is a citizen-led constitutional amendment to end government interference in abortion. Citizens groups like Florida Rising, Planned Parenthood, and the ACLU helped craft the initial language that we felt would honor the will of the majority of Floridians. We then built an amazing operation to collect over a million petition signatures.
Q: Earlier, we talked about the ways this campaign is building political frameworks and technical expertise and infrastructure that we can use going forward. Can you talk about that?
A: We’re coming into this era where the battlefield is abortion access, but it doesn’t stand alone. It’s just another phase of a long fight to protect the bodily autonomy of women and of people who don’t conform to the standards that society deems acceptable and normal. We’ve been able to go deep so that folks see the ways that our fight for housing justice, our fight for climate, our fight for criminal systems reform, are all tightly bound together with the vision of reproductive justice that this campaign is centering. I think that political education is what turns what could be a large scale transactional electoral campaign into something that transforms a movement and transforms individuals.
Q: You had mentioned initiatives as an opportunity for co-governance, which I thought was really fascinating, so I’m going to leave the last bit of time open for you to talk about that or about whatever seems significant.
A: The reality is that voting doesn’t get you all the way. Voting is one tactic in a toolbox. We need to think a little bit more broadly. We have to think about the year-round strategies that get us to a place where government is run by us, and therefore serving us.
What I think is amazing about the pathway for citizen-led ballot initiatives in the state of Florida is that there’s an opportunity for direct democracy. We’re in the direct democracy phase, we organized ourselves to write this ballot language — to collect over a million petitions — we’re building this amazing volunteer infrastructure to talk to as many people as we can. Then on the other side of that, there’s an opportunity to come from a place of power — because we’re going to have won 60% of the vote in November. It ties back to implementation; we’re going to have all of these outdated laws that will have to come off the books, we’re going to have to defend people who are trying to access care, and there’s going to be opportunities to use this language of co-governance to work closely with elected officials to say: We heard the will of the people, here’s an opportunity to make that real right here in our own backyard.
Q: Is there anything else we need to better understand the work you’re doing and the context you’re doing it in?
A: Winning a ballot initiative in the state of Florida is an intentionally gargantuan task that our legislature is trying to make harder and harder, because they know that when we get a direct say, we oftentimes move against the kind of policy agendas they’re moving in Tallahassee.
Judson Scanlon (they/them)
Political Director/Outreach: Ohioans United for Reproductive Rights

Q: What has been your greatest learning experience so far from working on the Ohioans United for Reproductive Rights campaign?
A: This has been the most positive and supporting campaign I have worked on in 30 years of this work. The most impactful lesson I learned was the importance of centering campaigns on shared values — especially coalition campaigns. It is so helpful when stress is high and tempers have a tendency to flare to be able to step back and think about the values you all agreed to in the beginning and re-center the work on the important things — like voters. A few short years ago campaigns were a toxic mess, today we seem to be headed in a better direction.
Q: If Amendment 1 is passed, how do you think it will improve the lives of current and future Ohioans?
A: To have reproductive health care protections for all people enshrined in the constitution of this state would be amazing. The impact it could have and may have is immeasurable. To have another confirmation that women belong — in every form — it gives me life and hope for the future.
Q: What advice would you give to other campaign leaders as we head into the 2024 election cycle, particularly those who will also be working on reproductive freedom campaigns? Is there anything you wish you had known on day one of your campaign?
A: When things get hard, stop and remember the values that brought you to this work, remember the humanity that we are all supporting, and do not be afraid to lift up the voices of the marginalized — they are the most impacted by your support. There is a real beauty in this work, and you don’t have to look far to find it — you just have to listen to people.
Q: Is there anything we haven’t asked you that you’d like to share?
A: I cannot stress the importance of good thorough research and message development in this work. Don’t forget to ask your barista if they have voted…you may be the only person who does.
Kelley Robinson (she/her)
Executive Director: Human Rights Campaign

Q: What inspired you to work in the democracy/social justice space, and how does your experience and identity as a Black person influence your work?
A: I first became an activist in college when I started getting involved in campaigns to end LGBTQ+ discrimination on my campus. For the first time, I really had this opportunity to understand that my body and my being is inherently political, and I realized my own political potential to create real, lasting change.
It’s because of who I am – because of my own experiences of not seeing myself reflected in the movements I work in – that I know exactly how invaluable it is to feel represented. And that’s why, when I became President of the Human Rights Campaign, I promised that if you’ve ever not seen yourself in this movement, know that I am here to make sure that we are here for you.
Q: What future do you envision for your community, and how do you think the work you’re doing is helping to create that future?
A: I am committed to creating a movement where all of us can be seen. Because when we all feel seen and represented, we can all come together to fight. I truly believe that we have all the power that we need when we’re together. And with that power, we will get to a world where we are free and liberated without exception, without anyone left behind. That’s the task for the next chapter of the Human Rights Campaign.
Q: What advice would you give to young Black leaders early on in their career? Is there anything you wish you had known on day one?
A: Y’all, I cannot stress enough the value of creating and maintaining a balance between our personal and professional lives. I do what I do so that I can take care of others and make the world better for my loved ones, but I can’t provide for anyone if I’m not taking care of myself, you know what I’m saying?
Q: Is there anything we haven’t asked you that you’d like to share?
A: Right now, we’re living in a wild time of incredible heights for Black people in politics, in movement leadership positions, and for Black people breaking glass ceilings in the workforce.
And of course, we still have the almost daily reality checks of Black people facing and losing our lives to police brutality and other forms of discrimination, and for Black people being disproportionately impacted by a constantly strained economy, especially Black LGBTQ+ people.
I hope everyone reading this will take a few moments to take in and consider how embracing joy can change our lives for the better. We deserve to be happy and content – it’s what our ancestors always wanted for us. The work we do to end systemic disparities is crucial to making a brighter future for Black people everywhere. Let’s make tomorrow better and embrace some joy today.
Becky Gould (she/her)
Executive Director: Nebraska Appleseed

1. What ignited your passion for working in the economic justice space?
For as long as I can remember, I was interested in social justice and the ongoing work of the struggle for civil rights. We all share responsibility for creating and perpetuating poverty and I feel privileged to get to work on advancing economic justice along with so many amazing people in the movement as part of my job.
2. What has been your greatest learning experience while working on the campaign to raise the wage in Nebraska?
I have learned a lot, but I think one of the biggest takeaways for me in this campaign is the importance of planning as much as possible, as early as possible so that when you are in the heat of the campaign, you are just adjusting the plans rather than having to create them. Community power and control of campaigns can quickly be displaced or weakened by groups who come to the table with a plan in the moment of need. We really strengthen the movement for the long term when we have alignment around the practices that create or strengthen capacity at the community level, and that takes time and intention.
3. What is your hope or vision for your community if this initiative passes and the minimum wage in NE is increased to $15 an hour?
My hope for this campaign is that the lives of Nebraskans who are being paid low wages will improve and our communities will be stronger and more vibrant. We know that this issue will affect 150,000 working people in our state and that by indexing the wage to inflation, we will be able to help wages keep place with costs over the long term. Nebraskans work really hard. We have high rates of women in the workforce, multiple job holders, and households with two or more workers. We are currently at full employment as a state. Yet, we have evident and persistent poverty. Wages are a critical piece of providing economic justice for Nebraskans and closing the gender and racial pay gaps.
Theeda Murphy (she/her)
Co-Director: Tennessee’s No Exceptions Prison Collective

1. What inspired you to get involved with the campaign?
I have been involved in prison and sentencing reform work for many years prior to being hired at my current job, however, I, like many others, did not realize the importance of the exception clause in the 13th amendment. It is the foundation for the explosive expansion of mass incarceration and criminalization of Black people. I feel that removing the exception is a necessary first step toward dismantling the prison industrial complex.
2. What has been your greatest learning experience so far from working on the campaign?
I’m realizing just how different a campaign is from strict organizing in the community especially when it comes to dealing with people who don’t agree with you. When you are organizing a direct action campaign, you have to think about how you might be able to persuade people who have not shown any interest or solidarity with the issue in the past. You’re not trying to win them over completely, only just enough so that they will vote for your initiative. It’s a different mindset.
3. How do you think your campaign’s success will improve the lives of people in your community?
This campaign will free the approximately 30,000 people who are incarcerated in Tennessee prisons. This immediately changes their legal status. They will no longer be considered chattel and will be considered citizens, just like anyone else. Being considered a full human being, and not property of the state, changes everything.
4. What advice would you give to other campaign leaders or aspiring campaign leaders as we head into the 2022 election cycle? Is there anything you wish you had known on day one of your campaign?
Don’t try to do it alone. Talk to as many veterans as you can. Make as many connections to other people doing this work as you can. We now have so many resources and so many people doing this, that we don’t have to do it alone. Fortunately for us, we have been able to connect with others during our planning process. We know that we will have issues that are unique to Tennessee and to our campaign but we feel like we have a head start.
5. Is there anything we haven’t asked you that you’d like to share?
We appreciate being a part of this training program. It is helping us so much as we plan our campaign. Generally, it gives me hope that so many people are taking strong steps to fight against injustice and oppression in the face of what often seems like insurmountable odds. This helps me stay focused and positive every day.
Erin Smith (they/them)
Executive Director: Kentucky Health Justice Network

About Kentucky Health Justice Network (KHJN):
HJN supports Kentuckians towards achieving autonomy in their lives and justice for Kentucky communities. They advocate, educate, and provide direct services to ensure all Kentucky communities and individuals have power, access, and resources to be healthy and have agency over their lives.
Q: How does your experience or identity as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community influence your work?
As a Black nonbinary person, working in reproductive justice can be difficult. I am in rooms full of conversations where the language is “Woman” only focused. Trans and nonbinary people are often left out intentionally and the amount of “absent mindedness” for demographics outside of cis women, and dare I say cis white women, is unacceptable.
At the same time, it is my responsibility to advocate for those whose voices remain unheard. I often find myself advocating while invisible.
Q: What inspired you to work in the democracy space and how do you envision your work improving or shaping the lives of the queer community?
I was tired of Black and brown queer people being ignored in reproductive justice and many other spaces. I want to use my skills to support our community as well as educate.
The more we see states create laws that threaten our rights it becomes crucial to vote and understand the political process so all voices will be heard.
Q: At a time when the future of LGBTQIA+ rights is unclear and under attack, what do you do for self-care or to stay inspired and hopeful for the future?
I’m still working on that but I am getting better, said laughing to myself. I’ve been taking more time to be with my family. I’ve started doing Lego builds and am trying to spend more time in nature. I’ve been fortunate to be able to plan mini trips throughout the year and that has been great for my mental health.
Q: What advice would you give to young or aspiring queer leaders who want to pursue advocacy/democracy work? Is there anything you wish you had known on day one of your career?
I would say to any young person who wants to pursue this type of work that it’s important to recognize your privilege and understand intersectionalities as well as microaggressions. Understand what they are, what they look like, and how they show up. Then have the courage to stand up to the person demonstrating them.
Q: Is there anything we haven’t asked you that you’d like to share?
I really want and need the white queer community to understand that “safe spaces” are not safe if they are not created with Black and Brown people in mind.
Zakiya Prince (she/her)
Executive Director: Repeal, Reunite, Reinvest CA

About Repeal, Reunite, Reinvest CA:
Repeal, Reunite, Reinvest CA is the campaign to REPEAL California’s three strikes law, REUNITE families, and REINVEST in common sense public safety.
1. What inspired you to work in the direct democracy space and how do you think your campaign successes will improve the lives of people in your community?
I have always felt like my purpose was to bring about change in communities of color, especially in the Black community, but I had no idea how I would start or how it would look.
My “inspiration” to finally jump into policy/democracy work came from absolute hopelessness. My husband is currently serving a life sentence under California’s Three Strikes law; a law that disproportionately affects Black folks and one that many Californian expressly regret. Over the years, there had been incremental reforms to the law, but with each change we were excluded. And at the time, no one seemed to have any interest in completely repealing the law. It was devastating. I feared my husband would never make it home, never make it to a birthday party for our daughter, or never be there for a Christmas morning — so I decided to fight back.
The changes we are working to make through this 2024 ballot initiative will fully repeal the law, reunite families that have been ripped apart, and reinvest in our communities. This movement is transformative and it will constitute authentic public safety.
Kandace Montgomery (she/they)
Co-founder: Black Visions Collective

About Black Visions Collective:
The Black Visions Collective is a Black-led, Queer and Trans centering organization whose mission is to organize powerful, connected Black communities and dismantle systems of violence. Black Visions Collective has played a key role in pushing for transformative change in Minneapolis, with grassroots efforts that inspired and educated residents to reimagine community safety and pursue dignity and equity for all.
1. If you were to describe your biggest takeaway(s) from the campaign, what would it be?
My biggest takeaway is that when given an opportunity to vision what is possible, folks are ready for a new model of safety. My other biggest takeaway is not underestimating your oppositions ability to misinform the public. The ground game will always be critical.
2. What advice would you give to activists and abolitionists who are seeking to run campaigns to reimagine public safety in 2022 and beyond?
To deeply invest in the strategies and tactics necessary to educate community members and bring them along. Whether that be political education, community forums, doorknocking– the best use of your time and resources will always be in connecting with community and making sure they are clear about what it is you aim to achieve and that they have a role AND stake, in making that happen.
3. What is one moment from the campaign that made you optimistic for the future of the fight to create a more just and equitable system of public safety?
There are many moments. The ones that stand out the most were the conversations with community members who were at first glance opposed to our ballot initiative. After deep conversation, asking questions, and resonating with the real fears/worries they had– they understood the vision and came along with us. Often, they began organizing their family and friends too!
4. What is your vision for the future when it comes to reimagining public safety in Minneapolis and across the country?
My vision is that we have fully resourced the needs of our community members. My vision entails one in which we have expanded our definition of public safety beyond the question of “police or not?” and into what are all the ways people need care and support to be well. This would include fully funded housing, healthcare, livable wages for all, and prevention over punishment.
Corenia Smith (she/her)
Campaign Manager: Yes 4 Minneapolis

About Yes 4 Minneapolis:
Yes 4 Minneapolis is a community-led movement to create a Department of Safety in Minneapolis. This unifying campaign is bringing Minneapolis residents together to amend the city charter that was written in 1961 by the Police Federation, which has forced the city to build on a broken system of violent, armed police-only response. The Yes 4 Minneapolis movement demands that city leaders move toward a comprehensive, higher standard of public safety, where qualified professionals, like mental health responders and social workers, as well as police, can work to make all our communities safer.
1. What inspired you to get involved with the campaign?
As a nurse and community organizer, I’ve spent my career educating and advocating for people’s agency and autonomy over their bodies and lives. As such, I believe it should not be a privilege for individuals and their families to live in a safe environment but inherent. The murder of George Floyd shook me to my core. I lived just five minutes from what is now George Floyd Square, and I regularly think about how it could’ve happened to another resident in the community or me. It’s a true inflection point in my life.
In the days and weeks after George Floyd’s murder, it was clear that we needed to move beyond band-aid fixes and create lasting change for generations to come as a city and a country. There is a better way to implement public safety in our country, one that is not pervasively harmful and dismissive of the community’s needs and where various trained and skilled professionals can help them. My instincts as a nurse and organizer kicked in. I knew that I had to get involved and help bring a solution to the problem. So in February, at the launch of Yes4Minneapolis, my team and I braved the sub-zero Minnesotan temperatures to gather 22,000 signatures and get this crucial question on the ballot this November. Question 2 provides Minneapolis voters with a chance to move away from an armed, police-only safety model and towards a department of public safety that has expanded options and is holistic in its approach.
2. What has been your greatest learning experience so far from working on the campaign?
This is my first electoral campaign, and my greatest learning experience thus far is that there is power in community. Of course, every campaign has opposition; still, it’s been mind-boggling to witness the political establishment and those with money and power grow so fearful of a community-led movement that they filed frivolous lawsuits to try and get the initiative thrown off the ballot. Change terrifies the status quo, and their actions unleashed massive public condemnation because people want to have a say in their future. Thankfully, justice and democracy prevailed, and the community learned that we are stronger together than we are apart.
Just two years ago, I was the voter we are looking to turn out today. I was aware of the problems in my community, but I didn’t fully believe my voice would be heard through voting. I also didn’t think that civic engagement was a duty I should exercise. Now, through the power of organizing, I’ve realized it’s possible to transform lives and create room for community members to expand their political imaginations to dream and achieve a more just and caring future.
3. How do you think your campaign’s success will improve the lives of people in your community?
Our campaign’s victory would ensure that people in Minneapolis can have a Department of Public Safety that uses a holistic, public health approach to safety. That means when people call for help, there will be a right-sized response from qualified professionals like mental health responders, substance abuse specialists, violence interrupters, and police as necessary. Fundamentally, this gives people more choices by creating more options for the city to address our growing public health and safety needs. Additionally, police will be a part of the Department of Public Safety and will operate in a way that is more accountable, transparent, and more disciplined than before.
4. What advice would you give to other campaign leaders or aspiring campaign leaders as we head into the 2022 election cycle? Is there anything you wish you had known on day one of your campaign?
I would tell other aspiring campaign leaders to stay grounded in your purpose. It is no surprise that creating lasting change is difficult but nothing worth doing is easy. Be intentional with your self-care, whether that is reading, going for walks, watching your favorite show, etc., because the days can be long and send you on an emotional rollercoaster.
5. Is there anything we haven’t asked you that you’d like to share?
Public safety and policing are complex issues, and it’s difficult to envision anything other than the system with which we currently operate. Therefore, it’s imperative to follow the visionary leaders, elders, and youth in your community and roll up your sleeves to build the life-affirming institutions that keep us all safe.
Learn more about the Yes 4 Minneapolis campaign.
Luke Mayville (he/him)
Co-founder: Reclaim Idaho

About Reclaim Idaho:
Reclaim Idaho’s mission is to build an Idaho where government works for all Idahoans and not just those with the most money and political influence. This means building an Idaho where all have access to affordable healthcare, protected public lands, and strong public schools. Reclaim Idaho’s strategy is to win the change we seek through bottom-up, grassroots organizing in every Idaho community. Reclaim Idaho wages campaigns that focus not on political candidates or political parties but on issues that bring Idahoans together—issues like Medicaid Expansion and increased funding for K-12 education. One campaign at a time, Reclaim Idaho seeks to grow a statewide movement of local leaders and volunteers with the power to demand change. Reclaim Idaho’s primary organizing tactic is the ballot initiative.
1. What inspired you to get involved with campaign work?
Ever since I was a teenager growing up in North Idaho, I’ve been concerned with issues of social and economic justice. For years I channeled my concern in an intellectual way–through studying, writing and eventually teaching political philosophy. A big turning point for me was when I began volunteering with the Social Action Committee of my local church, doing advocacy and organizing on issues like climate change and solitary confinement in state prisons. This experience taught me how to organize, and the next turning point came in 2017 when I returned to Idaho and joined a few old friends to get out the vote for a local school levy in my hometown. We succeeded in winning that local election and securing about $17 million for the local school district. This inspired me with the idea that even in deep-red communities, there’s a way to bring people together around issues of bread-and-butter economic justice.
2. What has been your greatest learning experience so far from working on campaigns?
When it comes to grassroots organizing, everything is about relationships and trust. If you want to move people to action, it takes a lot more than good messaging and good strategy. You have to listen to people’s stories, get to know them, and let them get to know you. People need to believe that you share a common commitment with them and that your commitment is authentic.
3. How do you think your campaign’s successes will improve the lives of people in your community?
We’ve improved people’s lives directly through our major campaign wins. The Medicaid Expansion campaign we spearheaded secured healthcare coverage for over 100,000 Idahoans. Our recent victory in the Idaho Supreme Court secured the initiative rights of every Idaho citizen by enshrining in law the principle that the ballot initiative is a fundamental right. Apart from these accomplishments, our larger goal is to use the initiative process as an organizing tool and to build a statewide community of active, empowered citizens.
4. What advice would you give to other campaign leaders or aspiring campaign leaders as we head into the 2022 election cycle? Is there anything you wish you had known on day one of your campaigns?
Even as you focus on the traditional work of fundraising, communications, and seeking endorsements, don’t lose sight of the grassroots. Make sure there’s room in your campaign for large numbers of people to play an active role. In the world of ballot initiatives and political campaigns more generally, the talent of ordinary people is a resource that too often goes untapped.
Learn more about Reclaim Idaho.
Ruth Steinmetz (she/her)
Senior Campaigns & Elections Specialist (Ballot Initiatives): National Education Association

About the National Education Association:
The National Education Association (NEA) is more than 3 million people—educators, students, activists, workers, parents, neighbors, friends—who believe in opportunity for all students and in the power of public education to transform lives and create a more just and inclusive society.
1. What inspired you to get involved with campaign work?
My parents were very active in their community politically and in their union. It was hard not to notice the impact they made educators, union leaders and grassroots activists. My dad was on the bargaining team for contract negotiations for the local union’s contract. I remember when the union and school board were at an impasse during negotiations and the contract expired. He helped organize a strike for better wages and a voice to advocate for his students. My mom helped organize a grassroots petition campaign (way before the internet) to urge the mayor and city council to build a stadium and bring a minor league baseball to my hometown, where is still stands today.
2. What has been your greatest learning experience so far from working on campaigns?
Numbers that end in “0” and “5” are not real. And that which is not tracked does not exist. I came out of organizing/field. Having one on one conversations with voters still doesn’t replace online advocacy. Every contact, every conversation needs to be tracked and put into a database. Follow up with your positive and undecided voters. Especially with ballot measures, voters are hungry for information and the best way is to connect face to face.
3. How do you think your campaign’s successes will improve the lives of people in your community?
In 2020, I was part of a coalition to pass a high earners’ income tax surcharge dedicated to education ballot initiative (Prop. 208). Voters realized that funding was desperately needed for education and passed the measure. Passing Prop. 208 would mean more than $800 million infusion into Arizona education. It would be a game changer for Arizona educators, students and families. Unfortunately, the state legislature and State Supreme Court undermined the will of the voters and passed undermining legislation and a ruling that could hinder Prop. 208 implementation. The education funding need in Arizona is still there and the fight is not over.
4. What advice would you give to other campaign leaders as we head into the 2022 election cycle? Is there anything you wish you had known on day one of your campaigns?
It is not enough to win a ballot measure with voters. You also need to protect the win. Unless you have political power, the state legislature and court system can take away or diminish that win.